
3C市集 APK

Latest Version 3.3.6 for Windows
Updated 2022-12-11

App information

Version 3.3.6 (#166)

Updated 2022-12-11

APK Size 22.3 MB

Requires Android Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean)

Offered by 創業家兄弟股份有限公司

Category Free Shopping App

App id com.kuo.fun123v2

Developer's notes 優惠折扣最多首選3C周邊行動購物APP+ 好康天天抽提供更優惠折扣+ 限時特賣24小時秒殺瘋搶活動+ 超過2百樣商品提供超商取貨付款


Click on the image to see full size

Latest updates

What's new in 3C市集 3.3.6

◎ 若有任何問題請從客服中心service@fun123.com.tw發問,透過雙向溝通以增加解決效率;APP store 無法讓客服人員直接回覆唷。
◎ 若有關於閃退、bug等技術性問題,非常感謝您將具體操作行為與遇到的情況回覆至負責處理app技術性問題的信箱service@fun123.com.tw ,讓我們快速修正進行優化。

Editor's review

Download the latest 3C市集 application, version 3.3.6, compatible with Windows 10/11 (using emulators such as Bluestacks), Android devices. This free Shopping app is developed by 創業家兄弟股份有限公司 and is easy to download and install.

Previous versions, including 3.3.6, are also available. If you need help or have any problems, please let us know.


::::: 3C市集 APP 必載特色 :::::
○ 註冊新會員未購買前即可領取「新人禮包」$1,200元
●「好康天天抽」首次包中 100 元折價券。人人有獎,還有分享再抽大禮眾多紅包等您來領!
○ APP 新客限定!完成首筆APP訂單當月登記再送 500 元
● APP 限時特賣!限24小時內20檔破盤商品倒數搶購中
○ 超過 400 萬網友的肯定:旗下 APP 突破 400 萬總下載量

# 流暢的使用體驗,手機下單最方便
# 圖文並茂的詳細敘述,掌握細節好安心
# 我的最愛商品收藏功能,銷售結束前提醒您,不再錯失任何限時好康
# 自訂推播通知,不定期折價券與特惠資訊不漏接。
# 購物爽度有口皆碑,網友提供商品綜合評價與實拍圖讓您買得安心

# 註冊方便:不需要落落長的註冊資訊更不用擔心個資外流
# 安全第一:採用 SSL 最高安全等級加密機制,保護您的付款資訊
# 多元付款:信用卡一次付清、分期及紅利點數付款、LINEPay、androidpay、實體 ATM、7-11 ibon、全家、萊爾富、OK 便利商店超商付款、7-11超商取貨付款
# 輕鬆收貨:全部商品一律免運費宅配到府,省去搬運困擾
# 訂單狀態:從訂單成立、商品出貨到物流配送狀態、退貨流程等一目了然
# 商品詳情頁新增商品降價歷程,將最低價與高價值商品傳遞給您知曉

===【3C市集 - 流行 3C 電腦周邊限時團購平台】 ===

* 若有訂單或任何問題要反映,請來信 service@fun123.com.tw 或是從 APP 內訂單底下以及客服中心發問,透過 Email 方便與您雙向溝通以增加解決效率;Google 評論功能無法讓客服人員為您提供會員專屬服務或處理售後事宜。

App permissions

3C市集 3.3.6 APK requires following permissions:

Allows applications to open network sockets.

Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.

Allows access to the vibrator.

Allows access to the list of accounts in the Accounts Service.

Allows applications to access information about networks.

Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks.

Allows an application to write to external storage.

Allows an application to receive the ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED that is broadcast after the system finishes booting.

Allows an application to read from external storage.

Required to be able to access the camera device.

Allows an app to create windows using the type TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY, shown on top of all other apps.

Allows an application to modify the current configuration, such as locale.

Ratings and Reviews

Rating: 4.5/5 based on 9K+ reviews

(*) is required

Previous versions

3C市集 3.3.6 APK for Windows (#166, 22.3 MB)