
Idle Miner Tycoon: Gold & Cash APK

最新版本 4.98.0 for Windows
更新 2025年March09日


4.98.0 (#88539)

更新 2025年March09日

APK档案大小 284.4 MB

Android 系统版本要求 Android 6.0+ (Marshmallow)

开发者 Kolibri Games

类别 模拟 (游戏)

游戏 ID com.fluffyfairygames.idleminertycoon

开发者备注 Become a great Gold Digger Tycoon and get cash in this clicker adventure game.




Idle Miner Tycoon: Gold & Cash 4.98.0的新功能

• 闲置地球闪耀着前所未有的光芒!打算来一次冒险吗?做好准备,探索新的元素光大陆!
• 后端系统更新 💻
• 漏洞修复 🐞



Are you a true gold miner? Become a mine factory tycoon, build an empire, earn money, build a business, level up, make more money and get rich in this idle tycoon simulator game where you can make money by investing!
Expand your millionaire mining and increase productivity with gold miner who will automate the workflow of your factory! Discover the manager strategy to invest in and earn as much cash as possible in this idle tycoon simulator - Live as an idle hero millionaire tycoon! Be a gold digger and start digging for gold now! Are you ready to become an idle hero in this epic adventure to become a gold miner?

Do you like idle clicker tycoon games and earning money simulators? Want to be a gold digger? Idle Miner Tycoon game is a simulation that mixes mining management and earning tons of money to become a rich capitalist millionaire. Unlike other simulator and clicker tycoon games, the aim of this epic miner adventure tap game is to build gold resources and level up to gain as many idle benefits as possible: with the income that you make from the mine, you will have to hire and pay managers, upgrade your factory as well as optimise your miners. It differs from the other idle money tap games because you can become a mine manager capitalist, build a millionaire factory, and earn money by optimizing the workflow with cash inc in this money game like in a clicker simulator. Make more in this idle simulator until you become a rich idle hero capitalist! Enjoy this epic miner tycoon adventure with no adcap, try this tap game and become a gold miner.

★ Automate your mine to make more idle cash income: No need to tap like in an online clicker simulator! Enjoy this addicting tycoon simulation game and level up!
★ Get idle cash inc and earn money & gold: Stay in business when you're offline!
★ Profit from investments and get rich! Taps to riches to become an epic idle hero millionaire among this offline simulator game with no adcap!
★ Hire a manager to increase your miners’ motivation for digging! The mining simulator among tap games.
★ Build up your idle billionaire empire simulation without the endless clicking you experience in other clicker money games and adventure games!
★ Manage and upgrade more than 20 mines like a boss: Become a mining tycoon by managing this miner simulator! Taps to riches for becoming an epic idle hero and upgrade your mine!
★ Become a true gold miner! Manage more than 15 resources: coal, gold, and jade, making this different than all other idle tycoon games.
★ Collect coal, gold and cash inc in this mine factory simulator like a gold digger! It's not like other money games with no adcap!
★ Increase your money and gold and taps to riches in this offline adventure simulator!
★ Make more and upgrade your mine, level up and become the richest factory manager tycoon in this idle miner simulation!

Unlike other simulator games, you get the chance to become a miner billionaire by automating the mine workflow simulation of your magnate business . Get rich, purchase new mines and buildings, invest cash and taps to riches to become the greatest miner ever in this mining and digging simulator! Try the money games and manager games, unlike other idle tycoon games with adcap!
Earn by selling resources in this miner tap game manager simulator. Dig out the gold and get rich! Taps to riches and become a capitalist millionaire tycoon! Enjoy this Idle Miner Tycoon game!

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Contact: community@idleminertycoon.com

❤️ Your Idle Miner Tycoon Team ❤️

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分:4.5 / 5 · 5M+ 票

(*) 是必须的

5 ★ 玩了3天了,累计在线游戏时间应该有14个小时左右,刚刚解锁了初始大陆的金矿区,谈几点看法。 首先说优点,画风清新靓丽,操作简单易上手,系统设置复杂但不繁琐,有很高的可玩性,值得大力推荐。 再说说我认为的缺点: 1.相邻两级矿层之间的收益率相差太大,已经达到了指数级,使得新开发矿层后上面的所有老矿层秒变渣渣,失去经营价值;(我认为这也是导致这款游戏通胀这么高的直接原因) 2.矿层参数设置有冗余,5个参数中只有总挖掘量(其实应该是总挖掘速度)有实际意义,下面四个参数其实都是关于矿工的,而这四个参数中起决定性作用的就是矿工数量和移动速度,剩下两个采矿速度和工人能力已经直接包含在总挖掘速度里面了,没有存在意义 3.金矿区收益竟然与煤矿区相差无几,使得新开发的金矿区前十几层压根没有开发和经营的意义(我连主管都没有指派,以节省矿车运行时间) 4.研究区技能点数投入产出比设置异常低,导致研究投入失去价值,不如直接开发矿层来的更直接收益更大 虽然后面的新大陆还没有开发,但是我希望不是只是简单复制前面初始大陆的运作模式,否则此款游戏的可玩性将止步于此。其实,游戏还有很多可以深度挖掘的空间,继续努力

5 ★ 推薦玩家們去瀏覽器打開網址 GАА7.COM 體驗滿V I P無限寶石無限元寶無限貨幣什麼都是無限的遊戲 还是那个感觉。追憶曾經錯過的遊戲。開發商棒棒滴。遊戲盒裡面資源鑽石都是無限的,幾千款無限元寶版手遊。討論區都爆滿了哈!感謝官方每次都讓發放超多獎勵的,角色的內心的想法也被刻畫出來。不錯的屬性配置和平衡性很不錯。很簡單,畫質比較細膩,趣味性超級強。每一個地方都環環相扣,讓我體驗到遊戲設計師的創意小巧思,非常耐玩,而且劇情引人入勝。

5 ★ 这个游戏很不错,我很喜欢,最适合在无聊中的时候来玩这个游戏,什么无聊都被消除了,在这个游戏,让我玩的很轻松,完全没有任何的限制条件,也不会有种强迫感,而且还有一种成就感,这个游戏我喜欢,继续更新游戏,让游戏变得更好玩!加油

4 ★ 挺好玩的,玩了一会差点出不来

3 ★ 游戏挺好玩的,但是为什么不支持Facebook登录,之前一直在安卓手机上玩,现在准备换苹果手机就很尴尬... 「20190902」人在德国,我说的是游戏数据从安卓移到苹果,一般不都是通过fb从一个设备把游戏数据上传,再在另一个设备下载吗?

2 ★ 很一般的体验,开始觉得还有点意思,后面只是重复相同的内容,数据指数级增加让体验很糟糕

5 ★ 非常棒,我都是自愿看的广告

5 ★ 謝謝給我 超級現金。

5 ★ 我都更新了这个罐熊不出来他写着说正在加载我真是服了 我要差评这个游戏太好玩了

5 ★ 挂机游戏。但是我在同步存档上遇到了问题。换个手机玩,能下载的存档一直是之前的档,游戏进度差了好久

3 ★ 之前我在HUAWEI手机上已经升级到很高的等级了,而且也有用Facebook登入了,只不过换了个新的HUAWEI手机,登入Facebook后记录还是不见了,只能重新来过,这是什么bug呢?

5 ★ 这个游戏非常有趣。非常有吸引力。玩了这个游戏,我的感想就是非常的喜欢。他这个手游真的是很好玩。...................................................................................

3 ★ 广告太多,广告时间还长,一个矿山加满到1天4小时大概3分钟左右,玩久了,矿山多了,谁愿意花这么多个3分钟去看广告?要么全部矿山广告放一起。要么减少广告时间,延长倍率时间。

5 ★ 很好玩,也很打发时间,但是那个看广告是不是有次数限制?现在广告都没了!!

1 ★ 半强制广告,各种活动氪金严重,氪金项目繁多,价格不匹配,一个超级主管24.99美元,但是免费就可以解锁,新人入坑钱都不知道哪去了


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