

Latest Version 4.1.6 for Windows
Updated 2024-09-11

App information

Version 4.1.6 (#316)

Updated 2024-09-11

APK Size 12.4 MB

Requires Android Android 5.0+ (Lollipop)

Offered by Y2 Tech

Category Free Maps & Navigation App

App id info.yogantara.utmgeomap

Developer's notes Simple Mapping & GIS Tools.


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Latest updates

What's new in UTM Geo Map 4.1.6

This version comes with lots of backend improvements. Happy mapping!.

Editor's review

Download the latest UTM Geo Map application, version 4.1.6, compatible with Windows 10/11 (using emulators such as Bluestacks), Android devices. This free Maps & Navigation app is developed by Y2 Tech and is easy to download and install.

Previous versions, including 4.1.6, 4.0.8, 4.0.7, 4.0.5, 4.0.4, 4.0.2, 3.9.8, 3.9.3, 3.9.2, are also available. If you need help or have any problems, please let us know.


Complete, simple, easy to use & free application for Land Surveying, Topography, Bathymetry & GIS. Suitable for Geodesy Engineering, Civil Engineering, Geology and other disciplines related to maps, coordinates, location, address and spatial analysis. Can be used as a tool in determining position, coordinates, location & address, area & distance measurement, simple spatial analysis such as Overlay, Buffering, TIN / Delaunay Triangulation, Voronoi Diagram, Convex Hull, Smoothing, show WMS Map (Map Server) etc.

Map Coordinates: Can be used to obtain Latitude Longitude, UTM, MGRS (WGS84) & other CRS (using EPSG codes) in real time, register points complete with coordinate data, time taken, notes/labels, elevation (premium), addresses, photos etc. This module can also display TIN, Voronoi Diagrams and Buffers in realtime from existing points.

Offline GPS: Used to get coordinates in an offline state (without internet access), your cellphone will function like a Handheld GPS to get Latitude Longitude coordinates, UTM, MGRS, Elevation (ellipsoid), MSL Elevation (EGM96), accuracy, satellite and other useful information. Coordinates data can be stored in an unlimited number inside your databases, given notes / labels, photos or exported into CSV, KML, DXF & GPX formats.

Coord. Converter: To convert coordinates manually from Latitude Longitude to UTM & MGRS and vice versa. It can also be used to convert addresses to coordinates (Geocoding, requires an internet connection). Some conversion is support for batch conversion.

Area/Distance: Used to measure distance and area (support units: m, km, ft, miles, hectare, acre), register lines / polygons, make polygons automatically from measure points, create buffers from lines / polygons, overlay etc.. Line / polygon data can be stored in unlimited number inside your database, displayed on a map, added photos and labels or exported to CSV, KML or DXF format. Equipped with spatial editing algorithms such as Snap Nearest, Delete Object Inside / Outside Polygon, Smoothing (cubic bezier interpolation), Split Polygon By Line, and so on. Can read CSV & KML formats to import or display as reference files.

Marker Map: Similar to the Map Coordinates module but with more complete & complex geometry calculation such as displaying Dynamic / Variable Buffers. In this module geometric analysis such as TIN & Voronoi Diagrams can be made from a combination of point data (markers) as well as lines and polygons (breakline). These geometries can also be exported to KML or DXF files for use on other devices or PC.

Compass Map: Module with a map and compass with magnetic declination, can be used to assist in navigating or measuring the azimuth angle and determining distance & direction.

Buffer/Overlay: Module to perform buffering & overlays (and other GIS operations) with several options including Union, Intersection, Difference and Symmetrical Difference.

Elevation Profile: Used to create simple elevation profiles (cross section / long section) from height data with metric & ft / mile units. This module can also create elevation profiles from multiple points including elevation profile from route (premium).

Contours: Module to generate contours based on number of contour lines, desired elevation or contour interval. This is premium module & need internet connection.

DTM: Digital Terrain Model, module to generate TIN / GRID surface & Contour Lines from elevation data. Calculate Cut And Fill volume, TIN refinement, Grid interpolation and dynamic Elevation Profile.

Some other modules.

Website: https://www.utmgeomap.com

Quick guide (pdf): https://www.utmgeomap.com/utmgeomapquickstart.pdf
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCspxQ5nQiqRD88g_-6GcCqw

Any suggestions are welcome, please submit via email to utmgeomapapp@gmail.com or write a review. Thanks.

App permissions

UTM Geo Map 4.1.6 APK requires following permissions:

Allows applications to open network sockets.

Allows applications to access information about networks.

Allows an app to access approximate location.

Allows an app to access precise location.

Required to be able to access the camera device.

Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.

Ratings and Reviews

Rating: 4.6/5 based on 16K+ reviews

(*) is required

5 ★ This app has been a game changer for me in terms of coordinates collection and plotting my points. So accurate and effortless. I love it!

5 ★ User friendly, serves me well as I so simple field work

3 ★ I'm still verifying the potential of reliability of the program but so far it's working well. With this trial one is able to do basic mapping for planning purposes. It looks promising.

2 ★ I am not finding this as useful as I had hoped based on other peoples good reviews. I have tested this app on the top level of our parking garage. The garage is next to our office building. The coordinates are not close enough on target and basically mostly on top of the building and not on top of the garage. In one instance it was a whole block away. I am in Houston, TX, USA, a major city and in a business district.

2 ★ Unfortunately, if you are out walking in the woods the trails are very, very hard to see and in sunlight, just forget about it. I really like the interface and all other options, but perhaps a dark mode and more walking trail options are in order. I'll have to uninstall. 😕

4 ★ Excellent platform to collect GeoData, I am asking about what coordinate system the data based on, is it WGS 1984 or other? I recommend the elevation numbering data, when you export to csv file, be without any text. The (m asl.) unit is better be written in the title of the column, that will help in making any calculation if you open the file in excel as the cell will be treated as number not a text.

5 ★ This application is wonderfull , how ever I wish if u could add these features pls 1 -( smart export or sharing ) instead off exporting every polygon or line iv worked on it should export or share the polygon that I want to share 2 - ( more maps ) this application deals only with Google maps while other applications deal with such as alpine deals with ( Bing maps , Google maps , eseri maps , yandix maps , etc... ) 3 - ( 3d models ) showing 3d kml design from skechup or other programs big ❤️

5 ★ the app you provide is looks best and it makes me satisfied in my work during road construction but there is little problem that is it can't create elevetion profile for several points instead it works for two point station only. So does if you have any update about to solve such problem, please wellcome.!

5 ★ It's working with a bit of fuss but I have my result in perfect views. I'm not sure of the age of the map satellite view. As elsewhere I can see it years behind in information.. but is doing as much as it needs in general.. good locator..

5 ★ A great convenient App l have ever used and l have since integrated into my work as a Spatial Planner for Siting and Pegging & training juniors. I collected coordinates, measured distances and areas so CONVENIENTLY. This App proved to be so powerful utility App in May 2022 as l were doing work in a very remote area of my Province! I have discovered that UTM Geo Map App is more reliable and more ACCURATE than the handheld GPS gadgets on the market.That's why l give it an honest 5 Star rating.

4 ★ Totally the apps is very good but the marked points are not exported to CVS file. 2 when zoom place and download the map and go to other places after we return the first place need again download in. 3 Allow to change color of marked place text.

5 ★ I like it very much. Very complete and funcional . I use for converting coordinates and measuring. I would buy the premium version but this monthly system and split licences don't work for me. Still, I wm happy to praise such good work.

5 ★ Beautiful app. Recent problems, I can't export my saved area measures to internal storage. Only options available are to share the file which bringsbout only text information about the measurements but not the kml or kmz file. Pls urgent help needed.

5 ★ Excellent, with mini size apps I can see soil contour, it's helping me!

4 ★ I like the app so much. To me it's best as compared to the other free apps since this has got so many features. I believe the app would have been most complete if the user is allowed to add a description when picking a point.

Previous versions

UTM Geo Map 4.1.6 APK for Windows (#316, 12.4 MB)

UTM Geo Map 4.0.8 APK for Windows (#308, 12.4 MB)

UTM Geo Map 4.0.7 APK for Windows (#307, 12.4 MB)

UTM Geo Map 4.0.5 APK for Windows (#305, 11.3 MB)

UTM Geo Map 4.0.4 APK for Windows (#304, 18.5 MB)

UTM Geo Map 4.0.2 APK for Windows (#302, 12.2 MB)

UTM Geo Map 3.9.8 APK for Windows (#298, 12.1 MB)

UTM Geo Map 3.9.3 APK for Windows (#293, 11.5 MB)

UTM Geo Map 3.9.2 APK for Windows (#292, 11.1 MB)