Cool Tv Mobile APK
App information
Version 2.2 (#35)
Updated 2018-10-02
APK Size 15 MB
Requires Android Android 4.2+ (Jelly Bean)
Offered by Diaspora
Category Free Video Players & Editors App
App id
Developer's notes Cool TV Ro application again available. Cool TV Mobile is at your fingertips.
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Table of contents
Latest updates
What's new in Cool Tv Mobile 2.2
Better performance.
Tv channels updated.
Editor's review
Download the latest Cool Tv Mobile application, version 2.2, compatible with Windows 10/11 (using emulators such as Bluestacks), Android devices. This free Video Players & Editors app is developed by Diaspora and is easy to download and install.
Previous versions, including 2.2, are also available. If you need help or have any problems, please let us know.
You have a list of Romanian TV channels through this application Cool TV Mobile on your Android device.
Instructions to access TV channels list from Romania and retrieve them is within this application (tutorial).
Once completed these operating instructions, you are ready to watch the list of TV channels on your android. Congratulations!
Our team wishes you all the best!
App permissions
Cool Tv Mobile 2.2 APK requires following permissions:
Allows applications to open network sockets.
Allows an application to write to external storage.
Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks.
Allows applications to access information about networks.
Allows an application to receive the ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED that is broadcast after the system finishes booting.
Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.
Allows access to the vibrator.
Allows an application to read from external storage.
Ratings and Reviews
Rating: 3.6/5 based on 1K+ reviews
(*) is required
1 ★ Nu functioneaza nici un canal,varza!
1 ★ Nu functioneaza nici un canal!
1 ★ Rahat
1 ★ un cacat de aplicatie!! as da cu telefonul de pamant dar ar fii pacat de note8 aka!! mai mult nervi si crash-uri de ampulea cumva!! romanu' nu stie sa faca nimic bun..poate doar sa fure..prost si aia!!
1 ★ Cea mai proasta aplicatie din lume..😡👿👺💢
1 ★ De cacao
5 ★ Merge bine.
1 ★ Guys please fix this app asap if you want positive reviews.None of the links work it's basically worthless !
3 ★ Unele merg, altele nu. De ce dau pe eurosport 1 si e de fapt eurosport2, totusi? Ca va doare la bashketzi, de aia!
1 ★ Mergea foarte bine înainte în UK dar de vreo luna nu mai merge. Va rog rezolvați problema
1 ★ din ce în ce mai prost 😠 și e cazul să puneți mâna să faceți ceva. Soluția 1 mai multă munca Soluția 2 închideți aplicația.
1 ★ useless guys must be fixed other wise no point to be downloaded
1 ★ Error,nu merge. 2g3g not found.
3 ★ Instalat februarie 2017.Din pacate unele canale sunt offline (probabil streaming blocat de catre detinatorii de drept). Recomand ultima versiune sopcast si instalare pe tableta de preferat sop to http si sa deschideti streamingul in VLC player. Am deschis la intamplare 6 posturi dintre care 4 cu streaminguri neblocate. Este acceptabil daca nu ai alte variante si detii cel putin 6 Mb download in afara Romaniei. Nu reclamele ma enerveaza ( totusi e gratis) ci faptul ca oriunde ai fii in UE , fata de Romania, internetul e rahat in ploaie.
1 ★ Ce mai băgați publicitate jegurilor, dacă aplicația de cacat nu merge...
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